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About us

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As followers of Jesus Christ, it is the desires of our hearts to please Him in all that we say and do. May God be honored and glorified by the way we serve Him, through our service to others.

Why Choose Us

Are we the best?

​​Probably not.

Are we the cheapest?

​Not at all.

Do we have the most experience?


Then why?

  • Our focus on HIGH QUALITY results! We truly strive to deliver the utmost quality in everything we do and have a long track record of doing just that.
  • We are passionate about how we serve others and have a blast doing what we do. God has smiled on us and chosen to make it fun!
  • We focus on treating others the way we want to be treated.
  • During a particularly challenging time in the life of our company, we fervently sought God's guidance on whether to continue this type of business or totally alter our course. God affirmed this is right where He wants us and that we are doing exactly what He wants us doing.
  • We benefit from amazing peace and comfort knowing the Creator of the Universe is walking with us.
  • We are human and we do make mistakes, but we have the solid assurance of God Almighty that He is guiding our path every step along the way.

Our History

For ten years (1997 to 2007), I (John) worked with a company named Professional EDGE.  For all ten of those years, Professional EDGE was ranked one of the top 10 GoldMine Partners in the country, by the makers of GoldMine, an award-winning customer relationship management (CRM) software solution that allows you to powerfully manage all your business relationships.  For many of those years Professional EDGE was ranked #1.

  •  During my tenure at Professional EDGE, I was their senior most experienced GoldMine consultant, working with many hundreds of clients on many hundreds of projects.
  • In April 2007, Professional EDGE suddenly announced their upcoming closure, the very next month. Due to Professional EDGE closing their doors, my wife, Karin, and I decided to start For Him Consulting, a General Partnership that is truly “family owned and operated”.
  • Upon Professional EDGE's closure, 100% of the active, current clients I had been working with agreed to simply shift over and continue working with For Him Consulting.
  • In July 2013, Karin and I, along with our two daughters, moved to Honduras. Our three grown sons all stayed in Texas. We continued to perform all of our For Him Consulting responsibilities, just doing so remotely.
  • The move to Honduras was precipitated by our Christian faith and our feeling like God was calling our family there to do missions/ministry work.  Therefore, we chose to be obedient to the call, while still striving to maintain For Him Consulting.
  • While living and serving in Honduras, our family fostered and then adopted a Honduran orphan boy. His life is an amazing story full of God’s blessings and provision. If you care to know more, simply ask one of us. We love to praise God with our son’s amazing story.
  • It took over five years to get our son adopted and almost a year to acquire the necessary VISA to enter the United States. However, in March 2020, our family moved back to Texas.

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Our Name

We are often asked about our rather peculiar company name, For Him Consulting.  The simple explanation is this:

  • We are a strong, Christian family that wholeheartedly knows that God is in control of all things, including our small business.
  • Whenever Professional EDGE closed their doors and we started For Him Consulting rather abruptly and without a lot of forethought and planning, we felt strongly about striving to honor God with all that we do in our business.  When deciding on a company name, we composed a list of several dozen names of interest, and then simply had a discussion and “vote” around the dinner table with our family of seven (we had five children at the time…we now have six).  For Him Consulting won the family vote. 🙂
  • The HIM is quite simply our reference to God, our creator and sole sustainer. We wish to always acknowledge that all that we say and do is “For Him”.